Bartlomiej Nowak

“My first memory is …. eating wild barbequed trout with Polish “duszonki”, surrounded by smoke from the wood fire. The whole meal was made with vegetables harvested from our small farm next to the house, and wild mushrooms that my father had picked at 6am in the forest…. “.


Growing up with this experience, surrounded by Polish nature, taught me to respect nature. Having the opportunity to live with my beloved grandmother, who pampered me and all my family with homemade traditional food taught me love through food. Cooking unique meals every day, such as “makaron” with pheasant soup, or any number of different cakes made from garden fruits, nuts or forest pickings. This experience was slowly inspiring me, giving me a boundless desire to extend my knowledge and skills about making and preparing food.


After years of traveling, learning, and gaining experience, I’m here to pass all of that on to you in one unique and magical performance.


Ricardo Andres Gonzalez Chirinos

As a child, my parents used to take me and my sisters to the Caribbean Sea beaches, every weekend, to explore the Venezuelan coast. Very quickly I realised what a wonderful and powerful connection I had with the sea, as well as the endless gastronomic possibilities it possesses. Spending year after year there, I was experiencing the flavours, smells, and beauty of freshly caught fish, lobsters and an infinity of seafood.


Transformation from child to adult happens very quickly, so decisions about my future profession had to be made hastily too. After many hours of contemplation, one thought kept recurring, over and over again in my head: “I love food!“ After that, within a very short period of time, I started to study the craft of cooking in León, a small city where they concentrate on the wonderful gastronomic culture of Spain. Years of education passed, one after the other, and my hunger for something bigger was growing, something that would give me the opportunity to develop my needs, to become a great chef.


I decided to go to Barcelona. Living and working out there, my metamorphosis from a regular cook to the skilled chef I had become was complete. One day, when I was checking out what opportunities my profession can bring, I got in touch with Bartlomiej, who was living and working in the Netherlands. From the very beginning we have had a strong connection through our love of food and the way we present it to the world. Working together, despite the initial language and culture differences, strengthens that need even more to create something unique, something what will show the clash of our personalities, something like the GoldenKlomp!